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Sustainable Education

The recent pandemic has shown us so many habits we need to change.

  • It has shown us how we need to return to local models of growth and production.

  • The panic buying that occurred at the start of the pandemic highlighted the dangers of an economic model that relies so heavily on imports.

  • The evidence from nature, which  thrived as we reduced our pollution fuelled commuting.

  • The increase in time spent with our children and the connections this has helped to restore.

  • The need to connect to nature, to find ways to exercise and be healthy outside of gyms and training facilities.


We have been shown. We must learn.


And where better to learn than sustainably focused schools. We focus on problem-solving, creative arts and human co-operation, the skills needed for a more secure future. We need to provide education for young people that immerses them in what is available locally. What skills are abound locally, what can be provided in harmony with local nature and local populations, how can their actions impact now, not in the future.

To nurture young souls and minds to care for themselves, be empathetic of others and loving towards the natural world. Immerse them in the now, foster loving kindness and empathy, empower their communities. This is the foundation of sustainability.

Defining sustainability in Earthschool

'Finding ways to Renew and Recover while we continue to Build and Discover'.

This is a wonderful  forward- looking phrase for an overall view of sustainability from  a student on the Green School Educators course.

I am creating this website and community because I feel the pull and urgency of our world, to heal and recover, but not everyone sees this urgency. Therefore sustainability needs to appeal to all.

These areas ; Society, Culture, Personal Well Being, Governance, Politics, Environment, Economy, and Technology are managed by a myriad of personal views, so sustainability must appeal to each of these areas. If we can start suggesting and encouraging ways for each of the above mentioned areas to drive sustainability through 'Renew, Recover, Build, Discover' then there is hope.

We can often influence those who make powerful decisions by our everyday actions: buy local, lobby, educate etc. We have the power too,  but how do we use it? Educating for sustainably is a wonderful start, a way for the next generation to take their learning and expressions into the world of change, recovery and sustainability.

Earthschool must have sustainabilty running through it like a river through the landscape, it must be evident in all areas; curriculum, staffing, community, economics and the learning environment.

Sustainability must be a theme that not only runs through the curriculum, but through the community of learners, the staff, the parents and the building itself.


ECONOMICS for Sustainable Schools

Economics for sustainability? If a whole city (Amsterdam) can use a model of sustainability for economics surely we can start to base our schools on the same principles. To hear more


Click here.

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