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Active Learning

The transformative learning process at Earth School is designed to help our students grow their own life and academic skills.


Learning does not just happen in the classroom, it happens every second of every day. At Earth School we aim to recognise this by providing a rich variety of learning experiences based on the individual young person and their needs and interests. We will achieve this by:














So how will the Earthschool day look?


Morning Mentor Club

  • Grounding: Discussion on the way to school with friends or family of at least one thing the student is grateful for and why, on that day.

  • Arrival: Between 7.30 am and 9.30am. Students are greeted by mentors  and can chose to go to different group areas. a) exercise b) rest c) sharing (for emotional help).


Earthschool Learning Community

  •  Break time. with snack and integrated areas for all years to interact (games, reading, craft -forest school style etc)

  • The Worker. Project -based learning , self-directed, hands-on integrated learning (mostly outside)

  • Lunch. The Growing. Student assisted lunch break. Student facilitated activities and clubs, also recreation based on Play Pedagogy.


Community Learning Group

  • Community, same theme learning. A different focus each weekday, reccuring weekly. So Food production, Trades, Parent led sessions etc. Integrated learning (click for more info).

  • The Integration. Students share 3- points of their learning day with their guardian/parent before they leave the Learning Community .


Daily practices will include short meditation and breath work  to assist students learning around controlling stress and improving focus.














Integrated learning.

Creating a 3 -step experience to each school day enables students to learn in a way that suits them.


Step 1: The Morning 'Grounding'  The first step where students are recognised, and recognise them selves, where they are at emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially. They take part in mentor led sessions based on these areas.

Step 2The Worker step. This part of the day engages students in 'doing' in a self-directed approach. Engaging in projects (see further down the page for PBL information) that facilitate learning across subjects and using the information from the Grounding step.

Step 3: The Creator. This part of the day will follow a theme and allow students and educators to facilitate multi-age group learning. The school will follow a theme (such as plastic pollution or a local community concern) and here learners can see how to put their skills into action to create change along side members of the community.

At all stages, learners can be self-directed if required.

Project-Based Learning.

Recognising that real innovation and creativity comes at the intersection of curriculum subjects, by collaboration between all school disciplines. Educators (in communication with students) carefully prepare projects to meet  Curriculum requirements by  engaging a cross-curricular approach. 

Using PBL (project based learning) is an open-ended approach to learning during The Worker stage of the day. Projects will often be created by listening to , and reflecting on, student feedback and community need.

The projects will allow for continual reflection and improvement, leading to Mastery of the topic and associated subject material. Many projects with have a local Community theme and require the students to interact with different facets of the local community. Projects will be assessed by continual feedback, recored in a Sovereign Learner Record (see below for more information).

All things come from the Earth. Our children are stewards of the Earth, not only for the future but for now. In order to raise adults who are passionate about protecting the environment and preserving our planet, they must first develop a deep love for it. The only way to enable children to grow comfortable in Nature is to open the door and let them out to explore the wonder and awe of the natural world and engage in creative learning experiences. At Earth School our young people will be given every possible opportunity to learn  in the outdoors.

Self-directed learning

Can this approach work at secondary level as well as it does in early years?



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