Building and nurturing a supportive school community is essential to ensuring that every child grows up happy, healthy, and curious to learn.
Earth School believes in students growing, developing and bonding outside of the classroom with the local community to give students every chance of success socially, spiritually and morally.
Learning is strengthened if families are involved in schools and the young persons learning.
Role models are needed by young people to guide them to be responsible adults, these people are in our local communities and have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experiences that educators in school can often not provide.
We need our young peoples skills to be used in our community, benefiting our people and our environment.
The success of Earthschool is dependant on the vital connection with the community, 'a tree that does not put out roots will not survive.' Identifying and creating opportunities for parents and local community to actively participate in the school whether it be sharing learning, physical construction, sharing of ideas, work opportunities or sharing skills such as storytelling or dancing.
The students live in the community, therefore to create connection, the community must live in the school.
Education is broken.
There are great teachers and schools in the world.
But the education system is failing. Not failing. Failed.
And a major reason for this decline has been keeping some of the best educators out of the classroom.
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